About John Tesh

Featured Videos

Read To Put Yourself To Sleep

Reading helps the brain relax. John Tesh explains how picking up a book can help put you to sleep.

Ice Cream Sundaes Are Good

John surely loves his ice cream and it turns out, ice cream is proven to have a good amount of protein, calcium, and minerals!

Fidgeting For Weight Loss

Every small, fidgeting movement we do throughout our day can make a huge difference in our weight loss journey. Find out how the small things you can do throughout the day will turn into pounds you've lost!

Signs Your Partner Is Cheating

Experts reveal the biggest indicators that your partner is cheating on you. And how to spot some surprising signs he's lying about an affair.

When To Call Not Text

Psychology researcher says we should always call, not text, certain important people in our lives.

Three Guys Women Hate

Maybe hate is too strong a word, but here are the 3 types of men you should never try to live with. It won't work!

Eggs Help Brains Stay Young

Find out the secret ingredient in eggs that help keep our brains working better and longer.

Top 3 Superfoods

What do black beans, walnuts and oatmeal have in common? John Tesh explains their benefits.

Mushrooms and Vitamin D

Learn why exposing mushrooms to sunlight can actually enhance their nutritional value.

Germs In The Kitchen

The germiest things in your kitchen may shock you, including the handle on your refrigerator! Find out how to disinfect your kitchen.

Germ Pop Quiz

Experts reveal ways to cut your risk of food poisoning from cross-contamination in your home.

Annoying Facbook Couples

You may think that gushing about your amazing romantic partner on social media makes people smile, but think again.

Selling Your House On A Friday

New statistics show why homes listed on Fridays are selling for more than other homes.

Look Better in Pictures

Find out a couple of surprising things you can do to make your face and body look better in photos.

Why You Look Like Your Dog

Get the latest intel on why so many dogs bear a striking resemblance to their owners.

What Dogs Do in Their Sleep

You've seen your dog twitching in his sleep. Is he dreaming? The latest research shows that dogs do dream, and some breeds also have sleep disorders.

What Your Dog Reveals About You

The breed of dog you choose to adopt can reveal quite a lot about your own personality. What does your dog reveal about you?

Why Dogs are Good Investments

A canine companion is quite a yearly expense, but the emotional, physical and even financial benefits are worth the investment.

How Dogs Make Us Love Life More

The latest research explains how owning a dog enhances our social lives and boosts our happiness hormones.

Puppy Mills are Dangerous

Many dogs purchased online come from illegal puppy mills, and die within 6 months. That's because conditions in these mills often have terrible impacts on the puppies' physical and mental health.

Room-Temperature Relationship Intel

Surprising reasons why men and women can't agree on where to set their thermostat. It makes a difference!

Reasons to Toss That Shock Collar

New research reveals the damage that electronic shock collars can do to your dog's personality, and expert tips for better training methods.

What to Discuss Before Adopting a Dog

Should dogs live outside or in; do they sleep on your bed; can they beg for food? Discuss these topics and more with your partner before you adopt a dog.

Hot New Trend: Pet-Friendly Homes and Yards

Experts offer some interesting tips for remodeling your home to make it safer and more fun for pets, including concrete floors.

Signs Your Pet Needs a Veterinarian

Pets don't show pain the way humans do. Here are some subtle signs that your pet could be sick or injured.

Good Neighbors Scoop Their Dogs' Poop

Get the inside scoop on 2 types of dog owners, and what communities are doing about those who don't clean up their pet's poop.

How Pets Make Us Better People

Top psychologist explains why owning a pet can actually improve your character, leadership skills and human relationships.

Dogs Help Grow Your Social Circle

Having a dog can boost your social life, affect your brain chemistry and add to the thickness of your wallet.

Secrets of Dog Intelligence Revealed

We always felt it was true, but now science explains how smart dogs are, and how they sense when their owners need help.

Dog Poop Causes Water Pollution

Find out how dog feces are spreading disease, and what some communities are doing about the messes dog owners are leaving around town.

What Overweight Kids Learn From Each Other

A new study reveals that obesity runs in families. That's because siblings tend to "follow the leader" as they're learning what and how much to eat.

City Kids vs. Country Kids

John Tesh reveals the latest intel on how children raised in a city are likely to be thinner, healthier and slightly less likely to use drugs than their country cousins.

Signs Your Child is Being Bullied

John Tesh reveals the top signs that your child is being picked on by a bully, including coming home from school hungry or in urgent need of a bathroom.

The Dangers of Posting Your Kids' Photos Online

A new survey shows 92% of kids have an online presence by age 2 -- and why all these photos may put your child in danger.

Benefits of Stay-at-Home Moms Revealed

A new survey reports that kids of stay-at-home moms are healthier, smarter, better-behaved and less likely to be fat.

Is an Adult Ed Class in Your Future?

Today's parents are going back to school for classes in one "common core" subject -- because they can't help their kids do this type of homework.

The Secret to Getting a Good Salary

The key to negotiating a good salary following a job offer is simple: Be the first to mention a number. John Tesh explains why and how it works.

An Easy Way to Get Better Info From Experts

Whether you're asking for information from a doctor, teacher, pharmacist or contractor, there's one very effective way to ensure they offer up more detailed info.

How Sticky Notes Can Boost Moods and Change Behaviors

Writing things down on Post-It notes can help us make positive changes in our lives and attitudes, as well as helping us remember appointments.

Beware of These Spending Triggers

Financial experts have identified spending triggers that make us spend more on frivolous purchases, including being hungry, having small bills in our wallets and more.

How to Send Business Emails That Get Noticed

John Tesh explains what time of day you should never send the boss an email, and what's the best time to get your message noticed.

How Friends at Work Can Keep You Content and Employed

The latest workplace intel says having friends at work can improve our mental and physical health. John Tesh tells you how it works.

2 Tips For Eliminating Hidden Money Wasters

The average person fritters away about $1,400 a year in impulse purchases. Find out how to save thousands by identifying money wasters that are draining your bank account.

Advantages of Eating Out With Co-Workers

The latest workplace intel says taking your lunch to work every day saves a lot of money, but going out for lunch has surprising advantages as well.

Simple Tricks to 'Own the Room'

Find out the body language secrets used by law enforcement agents to gain trust and appear friendly and confident. John Tesh reveals some "power moves" to use at your next meeting.

The Secret to Success in One Word

Find out which 3-letter word offers the most powerful sign that you're a go-getter, and won't stop until you've mastered a skill or job assignment.

Surprising Daily Activities That Burn Extra Calories

Believe it or not, there are things you can do outside of the gym to get exercise. Watch the video to find out what kind of every day things you can be doing to burn extra calories!

Why 'Paleo Fitness' is the Latest Workout Trend

The "paleo diet" may be all the rage among people who think we should eat like cavemen, but "paleo fitness" is the latest fitness trend. Find out what it means to work out like a caveman.

Improving Your Memory by Telling Stories

Find out how kids learn and remember more when adults tell them stories and talk to them about plot and details.

Getting Psyched Up For a Better Workout

John explains two science-based secrets to help get you pumped up to work out. And find out what to listen to on the way to the gym so you'll be primed for exercise.

Some Surprising Benefits of Caffeine

Caffeine offers both short-term and long-term benefits. Find out what they are, and how much caffeine you'll need to consume to get the benefits.

Get Up and Move to Adjust Your Mood

Feeling grumpy at work? Sit up! Find out why your posture and movements have such powerful effects on your moods.

Signs You're Listening to the Right Music

John reports the latest science on choosing just the right music for whatever you're doing now.

How to Use Vanilla to De-Stress

John reveals that a secret compound in vanilla is scientifically proven to calm you stress and lower anxiety.

How to De-Stress by Dancing

Find out some surprising dance class benefits, and why those benefits keep you de-stressed for months afterward.

What Women Want In A House

Since women have a say in more than 9 out of 10 home purchases, it's good to know what features they most want in a home.

Why More Toilets Add More Value

If you're wondering what to remodel or add on before selling your home, watch this video to discover what to do to your bathrooms.

Why It's Good to Know Your Neighbors

Good relationships with our neighbors are rare these days. John Tesh talks about the latest research into what makes a good neighborhood.

How Tech Time Affects Our Emotions and Our Diets

How many times a day do you check your cell phone for social media messages? You'll be surprised at the effect this has on our relationships, our moods and our weight!

Top Complaints About Photos You Share on Facebook

Before you upload another photo of your honey, your vacation, your family or food, get the latest intel on what your "friends" really think about them.

Online Meanness Leads to 'Twitter Rage'

New social media research reveals that people are meaner online than in person. Find out why and how.

How Checking For Texts Stresses Us Out

Constantly switching from one task to another, to check for email and texts, causes a huge rise in stress levels.

Health Tips for Your Vacation

From altitude sickness to germy beaches, vacations are fraught with dangers to your health. Watch this video for tips to stay safe.

Stress Tip: Sing While You Drive

Neuropsycholgy can now explain the effects that singing during a stressful commute has on your body, brain and mood.

The Best and Worst of Sounds

Hearing traffic noise, or the sound of a vacuum is stressful, but not as bad as total silence. Find out what the best sounds are.

4 Signs You're Dating an Abuser

Can you see past love at first sight to identify signs that someone is likely to become abusive toward you? John Tesh reveals the major signs.

Tips For Having Better First Dates

John Tesh offers tips from relationship experts on how to ensure your first date becomes a second ... and a third.

What People Lie About Most in Online Dating Profiles

Four out of 5 people seeking dates online tend to fudge the facts on 3 basic statistics. Find out what they are!

Why Cutting Up Food is Good For Your Waistline

John Tesh talks about how our brains fool us into eating more when we see larger portions.

How Hugging Benefits Your Body, Brain and Moods

New studies reveal new reasons that people love to hug. John explains how hugging releases a feel-good hormones, and that even hugging a teddy bear can boost our moods.

Why Mornings are Keys to a Happy Relationship

Could your morning rituals predict and promote the success of your relationship? John Tesh reveals what the research says.

How What You Wear to Work Affects Your Career

Find out what styles are best and worst to wear to the office, and the best colors to wear to an interview.

Hey Women! Stop Apologizing at Work

Researchers say women apologize too much and say too little at work -- and why it's holding them back.

Why You Need an 'Inside Referral' to Get a Job

John Tesh reveals the latest scoop on getting those inside referrals that can help you get that job you really want.

3 Ways to Find Out If He's Really 'The One'

Great advice on how to find out if a new date has any long-term potential. First, go on a car trip with them, then play a competitive game or run a race.

Germs May Be Stuck on Your Kitchen Towels

Could your kitchen towels be the leading cause of cross-contamination in your kitchen?

Why Strong Couples Break Up After Infidelity

New research reveals why deeply committed, trusting couples are more likely to break up when one of them cheats. Find out why.

How Heartbreak Causes Real Physical Pain

After breaking up with your partner, you might want to take some aspirin. John explains why it works.

Dealing With People Who Abuse the Carry-on Limit

A new travel trend is "carry-on shaming" where people snap photos of people who try to stuff oversized carry-ons onto overhead storage bins.

Why Your Dog Loves Your Smell

New research shows how your dog responds to your smell and why your scent lights up his brain's reward center.

The Brain Benefits of Doodling

A new study demonstrates the ways that repetitive doodling reduces daydreaming during boring meetings, and boosts your ability to remember facts.

The Secrets of Successful People

The daily habits of successful people include getting up early and eating healthful foods. Find out more about "success habits" in this video.

Does Your Diet Make You Stink?

Find out which foods get into your sweat - and are released continuously for up to 2 days. And how does eating red meat affect your odor?

Listening To Cell Phone In The Car Is Distracting

While driving, you may be more distracted by hearing your passenger's half of a phone conversation than you would be if you were talking on the phone yourself. John Tesh explains how.

Cats Love Beethoven Too

New study reveals cats who listen to classical music may be less stressed -- just like their owners. Find out what hard rock does to a feline's temper.

Some Reasons For Amusing Cat Behaviors

Find out how cats' natural curiosity (affects and causes) a fascinating variety of amusing cat behaviors and poses.

Why Texting is Addictive

Science explains why we can't resist sending or reading a new text, and why it's actually addictive.

Sleep Texting

Studies explore what causes people to read and send texts when they're not fully awake.

Constant Text Checks Raise Stress

Constantly switching from one task to another, to check for email and texts, causes a huge rise in stress levels.

Can't Resist Texting

Science explains why we can't resist sending or reading a new text, and why it's actually addictive.

Your Brain On Fish

John explains the new research that proves eating more fish may actually sharpen your mental skills.

The Power of a Gratitude Journal

Researchers find a little dose of gratitude at the end of each day reduces even the worst work-related stress. So write down what you're grateful for and watch the stress disappear.

Using Emoticons Can Make Your Boss Happy, Sometimes

John Tesh explains why expressing positive emotions are acceptable, and even welcome, in most business emails to your boss. But not always.

3 Questions to Ask a Potential Partner

John Tesh reveals 3 key questions to ask a potential mate about their goals and priorities -- before the relationship becomes too serious.

How to Tell if Your Home Smells Funky

Use this one expert tip to help you discover how your home smells to folks who don't live there, without asking them directly.

Signs Your House is Bumming You Out

Green plants and better lighting can help your house go from bummer to beautiful. Get these tips and more in this IFYL video.

Would You Risk Your Life to Save Your Cell Phone?

A new survey reveals the wide variety of crazy, even dangerous, things people are willing to do to save their cell phones.

Signs You're Dealing With Tight Pants Syndrome

Skinny jeans might look great, but they can cause some serious damage to the nerves in your legs. John Tesh explains how it happens.

How to Transform Your Relationship in 90 Seconds

Experts reveal how taking 90 seconds to really connect with your mate, 3 times a day, can give you a more satisfying relationship.